Uploading a Project Codebase (for Server Scans)

Code Insight 2021 R2

For a server scan, the codebase files that you want to scan for a project must reside on the Scan Server before you can perform the scan. One way to place these files on the Scan Server is upload them through Code Insight, as describe in this section. You can upload multiple codebases for a single project scan.

Supported archive types for uploading a codebase include .zip, .tar, .tar.gz, and .7z.

The following topics describe the codebase upload process:

Performing the Codebase Upload
Supported Archive Types for Expansion
More About Archive Expansion Behavior During Codebase Uploads

Refer to the Code Insight User Roles and Permissions appendix for role requirements to upload the codebase.

As an alternative to (or in addition to) uploading codebases for a project, you can obtain codebase files for the project by synchronizing a Source Control Management codebase repository to the Scan Server. For more information, see Configuring Source Code Management. The complete codebase for a project can consist of files that were both uploaded and synchronized to the Scan Server.