Viewing Expiring Entitlements

The Expiring Entitlements page shows the expiring entitlements for the accounts to which you belong and gives special emphasis to those that are soon to expire.

Note:This page only appears for end users with sufficient permissions to view expiring entitlements when the End-User Portal is configured to show the Expiring Entitlements page. Not all producers provide expiring-entitlement functionality.

By default, this page shows all entitlements that are due to expire and lists them in order of fewest days remaining before their expiration date. (Expired entitlements are not shown by default, but you can use the filtering controls to include those entitlements. See Filtering, Searching, and Sorting, below.) The default filter setting shows both subscriptions and maintenance lines that are due to expire.

To view expiring entitlements:

Click Activations & Entitlements > Expiring Entitlements.

The End-User Portal opens the Expiring Entitlements page. This page lists expiring entitlements for the accounts to which you belong and sorts them in order of fewest days remaining until expiration. Entitlements closest to their expiration date appear first. Entitlements furthest from their expiration date are last.

From this page you can view information about an entitlement or send an email to get the renewal process started for one or more entitlements.

To see information about an entitlement, click its Activation ID.
To send an intent-to-renew email message, select one or more entitlements and click Request.

Tip:You can elect to receive email messages about your expiring entitlements as well. To do so, in your user profile, select the check box for Expiring Entitlements Email notifications under the Email Subscriptions heading.

Requesting Renewal for Expiring Entitlements

The Request button on the Expiring Entitlements page sends an email message to the producer who provided the entitlement and also sends a copy of the same message to the end user who clicked Request. (The End-User Portal shows a notice to indicate that the email message has been sent, but there is no opportunity for an end-user to customize the message content.)

Important:The Request button is for communication purposes only. On receiving the intent-to-renew message, your producer can then follow up and begin the process of creating renewal entitlements or renewing the expiring entitlements directly.

Tip:If renewal entitlements already exist for an expiring entitlement, it may be unnecessary to formally request a renewal. Follow the instructions in Upgrading, Upselling or Renewing a License to renew the entitlement.

Filtering, Searching, and Sorting

You can alter what the Expiring Entitlements page displays by using the filter, search, and sort controls.


The Expiring Entitlements page supports filtering to show expired entitlements, expiring entitlements, subscriptions, and maintenance lines. By default, filters for Expiring, Subscription, and Maintenance lines are active while the rendering of Expired entitlements is suppressed.

A filter is active when its check box is selected; the number in the filter icon’s red bubble indicates how many filters are active. Because all entitlements shown on the Expiring Entitlements page are either expiring or expired, you must include at least one of those filters: Expiring or Expired (or both).


The Expiring Entitlements page supports searches on Products, Activation IDs, Account IDs, and Account Names. You can use the search controls to show expiring entitlements that are related to a specified product or that belong to a specified account, for example.

Important:When searching on the Expired Entitlements page, you must use an asterisk (*) to perform a wildcard search. The asterisk character stands in for one or more characters of any type. Searches that do not include wildcard characters are literal searches; the End-User Portal only returns entitlements that match precisely to the search criteria you enter.


Some columns on the Expiring Entitlements page can be used to sort the list of entitlements on the page. On the Expiring Entitlements page, you can sort the entitlement list by the following columns:

Days Remaining
Account Name

To sort on a column, click its column name.

Notice, when expired entitlements appear, their Days Remaining values are expressed as negative numbers. These values indicate the number of days an entitlement is beyond its expiration date.

Exporting Expiring Entitlements

You can export entitlements, in CSV format, from the Expiring Entitlements page.

To export expiring entitlements:

1. On the Expiring Entitlements page, select the lines you want to export.
Select the check boxes for the lines to include in the export.
Select the check box in the table heading to select all lines on the current page. Note that the number of lines or rows per page is something producers can configure. Hence the number of lines may vary for end users. Default: 20 lines.

Tip:If no lines are selected, the End-User Portal exports all the lines that match the current filter and search criteria—up to 1000 lines.

2. Click the Export button .

The End-User Portal creates a CSV file (ExpiringEntitlements.csv, by default) that includes all selected lines and serves the file for download. (The exact user experience, here, depends upon the browser you are using.)

See Also