LAX Properties

InstallAnywhere 2023 R2

LaunchAnywhere properties can be set in the LaunchAnywhere Properties and Uninstaller Properties dialog boxes, accessible in the Create LaunchAnywhere for Java Application customizer and the Create Uninstaller customizer, both in the Install sequence.

LAX Properties



The name of the application that the launcher executes.


The classpath for the application. By default, set to $IA_CLASSPATH$ (the classpath specified in the InstallAnywhere Designer environment.)

When you specify the classpath, use either forward (/) or backward (\) slashes to separate directories within a path. Use either colons or semicolons to separate multiple paths—LaunchAnywhere substitutes the proper characters for the installation platform at install time.

Tip:Never use colons as directory separators in lax.class.path. InstallAnywhere treats colons as path separators. Instead, use slashes to separate directories in a path. LaunchAnywhere replaces the slashes, as necessary, with platform-specific directory separators at install time.


A list of arguments that are passed to the application's main method. These are specified exactly the same way as they would be on the command line. For example, if the application is invoked as java myApp arg1 arg2, set this property to the following:

"arg1 arg2"

Be sure to place quotes around any arguments that have spaces.

When it is necessary to pass in an argument that is known only at install time (for instance, the installation directory), use an InstallAnywhere variable.


The path to directory holding LaunchAnywhere’s built-in launcher.

If you are specifying a path on Windows-based systems, use escaped backslashes (such as C:\\Program Files\\OfficeSuite.exe).

The JIT compiler that is being used for execution of this application.

Note:Runtime only. The property cannot be set via the LaunchAnywhere Properties or Uninstaller Properties dialog boxes.


The name of the application's starting method that this LaunchAnywhere Executable invokes.


The class that gets launched by this LaunchAnywhere Executable. This class must contain a method with a name defined by the lax.main.method property.

The full path to the VM executable to be used. If the LaunchAnywhere Executable cannot find the VM specified, it searches the system for the VMs in

Use to access any system environment variable.

Case-insensitive—If you want to specify the property name as a case-insensitive string, use

For example, to access the system environment variable PATH, you could specify or

Case-sensitive—If you want to specify the property name as a string in the exact case as it is defined in the environment, use

For example, to access system environment variable Path, specify

Note:These properties are resolved at application run time, when LaunchAnywhere executes. You can also get access to system environment variables via InstallAnywhere variables.

These properties are available on Windows-based systems and UNIX-based systems.

The system PATH for the computer this application is running on.

Note:Runtime only. The property cannot be set via the LaunchAnywhere Properties or Uninstaller Properties dialog boxes.

This property defines the name of the just-in-time (JIT) compiler that your application should use. Set this option to no value (that is, blank) to use the default JIT compiler. You can also specify the name of a specific JIT compiler by defining it in this property. If no JIT is to be used, set to off.

The class that contains the main method called by LaunchAnywhere.

The name of the main method called by LaunchAnywhere.

LaunchAnywhere writes the value of this property to the command line verbatim. Java VM properties or settings that are not directly supported by current LAX configuration properties can be included as part of the command line used to invoke Java. For example, to pass a custom variable as part of the command line, set to -Dmyvariable=value.

Set to on or off to tell the VM to verify bytecodes.

Turns debugging on or off in the virtual machine so that an application can be debugged. Set to on to enable debugging.

Defines whether to have a low-priority background thread that does garbage collection. Set to on or off.

Sets the behavior for garbage collection. Available values are:

min—Garbage collect everything except classes.
full—Garbage collect everything. size.initial

Defines the initial heap size for the installer that will be invoked. This number is always specified in bytes, not in kilobytes or megabytes, and is analogous to the VM parameter -ms or Xms. The default is 16777216 (16 MB). size.max

Defines the maximum heap size in bytes for the installer that will be invoked. This number is always specified in bytes, not in kilobytes or megabytes, and is analogous to the VM parameter -mx or Xmx. The default is 50331648 (48 MB).

Defines the level of content in output messages. Available values are:

gc—Output garbage collection messages.
normal—Output all normal verbose messages.
all—Output all normal and garbage collection messages.
none—Do not output any verbose messages.

Sets when Java will verify classes for security and errors. Available values are:


Defines the message to show the end user in a dialog box if no VM can be found.

The list of VMs that this LaunchAnywhere executable allows the Java application to be run against. The value for this property can be any space- or comma-delimited combination of valid VM criteria that InstallAnywhere supports. Some common criteria include:

ALL (any VM)
JDK (any Java JDK)
JRE (any Java JRE)

For strict selection criteria, connect vendor, type, and version operators with an underscore character (<vendor>_<type>_<version>). For example, SUN_JDK_1.7* selects VMs from Sun that are JDKs of version 1.7.0_0 or later.

The value of this property overrides the value that is listed in if the VM that is listed in that property is not of a valid type. The order of the valid VM list specifies the precedence in which VMs that are found on the system should be chosen if a valid VM is not listed in

Note:For details on valid VM selection criteria, see About Java VM Selection Criteria.


The platform name in exact case.


The root directory of the entire installation (same as $USER_INSTALL_DIR$).


The location of your application's stderr output. Set to null to suppress, console to write to a console window, or to any file name to output to a file.

This property maps to the corresponding setting in the Advanced Designer (Project page > General Settings view > Log Settings area): Send stderr to.


The location of your application's stdout output. Set to null to suppress, console to write to a console window, or to any file name to output to a file.

This property maps to the corresponding setting in the Advanced Designer (Project page > General Settings view > Log Settings area): Send stdout to.


The working directory for your application. The default value for this property is a period (.).

Leave as is to set the working directory to the directory where the LaunchAnywhere executable resides. To override the default behavior, specify an absolute or relative path. (A relative path is relative to the LaunchAnywhere executable location.)


The version number of the LaunchAnywhere.


This property lists all system properties that are available to the Java application. It can take any value. You must redirect stdout and stderr to see the results of this output.


This property uses System scaling. By default the value is set to 'false'. When set to true the Override High DPI Scaling Override setting in Windows is set to 'System'.