Compare InstallAnywhere Variables Numerically Rule

InstallAnywhere 2018

You can use the Compare InstallAnywhere Variables Numerically rule to compare two InstallAnywhere variables numerically or to compare an InstallAnywhere variable against a specific value.

When this rule is applied, it converts the content of the variables into numeric values and then compares them. Integer, floating point, long and double operations are supported in this rule. However if the value represented by the variable is not parseable as a numeric value, then the rule returns false.

The Compare InstallAnywhere Variables Numerically customizer includes the following options:

Compare InstallAnywhere Variables Numerically Customizer



Operand 1
Operand 2

Enter the two InstallAnywhere variables that you want to compare, or enter an InstallAnywhere variable as one operand and enter a specific value as the second operand.

For the operands, you can enter either a variable or (such as $MY_VARIABLE$) or a literal, specific value (such as 4502).


From the list, select one of the following operators:

greater than or equal to (>=)
equal to (==)
less than (<)
less than or equal to (<=)
greater than (>)
greater than or equal to (>=)

See Also