Setting Project Version at Build Time

InstallAnywhere 2020 SP2

InstallAnywhere offers several methods for changing the version number of an InstallAnywhere project at build time.

Using the productVersion Parameter in build.exe Command Line

You can use the productVersion parameter in the command line of build.exe to change the version of an InstallAnywhere project at build time. The following example changes the version to

build.exe MyProduct.iap_xml productVersion=

Note:Versions are conventionally represented in the following format: [Major].[Minor].[Revision].[Subrevision], such as:

Using ProjectVersion Attributes in buildproperties.xml File

In the buildproperties.xml file, you can specify the following attributes in the <build> tag to customize the project version at build time:









Using product.version Attributes in File

Using the file, you can specify the product.version attributes to customize the project version at build time:





Using ProjectVersion Attributes in iaant.jar File

You can use the ProjectVersion attributes in the iaant.jar file to customize the project version at build time:

<taskdef name="buildinstaller" reverseloader="true"



        <fileset dir="${env.IA_HOME}/resource/build">

            <include name="iaant.jar"/>




<buildinstaller IAProjectFile="BasicProject.iap_xml"





    ProjectVersionSubrevision="24" />