Directory Name Requirement for Preparing a JRE VM Pack

InstallAnywhere 2020 SP2

In order to create a VM Pack using the Create JRE VM Pack Wizard, the VM that you choose must be located in a directory named jre. If the VM that you want to use is in a directory that is named jre, you do not need to take any further steps.

However, if the VM that you want to use is in directory named something other than jre—such as in a directory that is named jre1.6.0_07—you need to copy the entire contents of the directory to a directory named jre and then select that location for the Choose directory where VM is installed setting on the Create JRE VM Pack Wizard.

VM in Directory Named jre1.6.0_07

Important:It is recommended that you copy of the contents of the directory to a new directory named jre instead of renaming the existing directory.