Registry Page

InstallShield 2024 » Microsoft App-V Assistant

Edition:The Microsoft App-V Assistant is included in the Premier Edition of InstallShield.

On the Registry page, you can view existing registry keys, values, and data, and add or delete registry items. You can also override the default isolation options for a registry key. Isolation options specify how the virtual environment will provide access to system resources requested by the application.

The default settings for isolation options are built into the Microsoft App-V Assistant, and those defaults are adequate for most environments. However, you can override the default settings for selected registry keys to exert control over application interactions with client operating system resources. For an overview of the available isolation options, and for instructions on how to set them, see Setting App-V Package Registry Isolation Options.

Registry items that are listed on this page will be included in the App-V package, and those that you delete will not. By default, all new registry keys are isolated.

Tip:To launch the Registry Import Wizard and import an existing registry (.reg) file, click the Import a .reg file option in the More Options area on the Registry page.

Note:You cannot set isolation options on root registry keys.

Editing the registry on the Registry page is performed much like it is performed in the InstallShield Registry view. To learn more, see Editing the Registry.

Important:While you cannot explicitly set an isolation option on a registry value, registry values are subject to the isolation options of their keys.

See Also