Specifying the Product Version

InstallShield 2015

When you are specifying the version number for your product, you must ensure that you enter a valid product version. The version must contain only numbers. It is typically in the format aaa.bbb.ccccc or aaa.bbb.ccccc.ddddd, where aaa represents the major version number, bbb represents the minor version number, ccccc represents the build number, and ddddd represents the revision number. The maximum value for the aaa and bbb portions is 255. The maximum value for ccccc and ddddd is 65,535.

At run time, the installation registers the version number of the product that is being installed. The entire version string is displayed in Add or Remove Programs. The product version number is important because the installation engine uses it in part to determine whether to apply an upgrade.

To configure the product version, use the General Information view. This product version can be overridden in other areas of InstallShield—for example, for a product configuration in the Releases view of a Basic MSI project. You can also specify the version number that you want an upgrade to target in other areas of InstallShield—for example, in the Upgrades view of a Basic MSI or InstallScript MSI project.

Note that although you can include the fourth field (ddddd) when you specify your product’s version, the installation does not use this part of the product version to distinguish between different product versions.

Project: For Advanced UI, Basic MSI, InstallScript, InstallScript MSI, and Suite/Advanced UI projects—If your release includes a Setup.exe file, the product version that you specify is displayed on the Properties dialog box for Setup.exe. For more information, see Customizing File Properties for the Setup Launcher.

For InstallScript and InstallScript Object projects—Instead of hard-coding a value, you can use a path variable that is defined in the Path Variables view. At build time, InstallShield replaces the path variable with the appropriate value. (To use a path variable: On the Project menu, click Settings. Then select the appropriate path variable on the Application tab.)

See Also