Dynamic Link Settings

InstallShield 2015 » Packages View

Project: This information applies to the following project types:

Advanced UI
Suite/Advanced UI

Project-specific differences are noted where appropriate.

Edition: The Advanced UI project type is available in the Professional edition of InstallShield. The Suite/Advanced UI project type is available in the Premier edition of InstallShield. For information about the differences between these two project types, see Advanced UI Projects vs. Suite/Advanced UI Projects.

The Dynamic Link pane in the Packages view shows settings for the dynamic link that has been created for a package in the project. The Source and Filter settings are available for all dynamic links. The other settings may be available as subsettings under the Filter setting.

Dynamic Link Settings




This setting shows the path to the source folder that contains the package that you want to include in your Advanced UI or Suite/Advanced UI project. It also is the source of dynamically included files for the package.

Instead of hard-coding a location, you can use a path variable that is defined in the Path Variables view. At build time, InstallShield replaces the path variable with the appropriate value.


This setting lets you specify one or more filters that you want to configure for including and excluding files and folders from the project.

To add a filter, click the New filter button in this setting. InstallShield adds a new row that you can use to define the filter.

To remove a filter, click the subsetting of the filter that you want to remove, and in that subsetting, click the Delete this filter button.

To learn more, see Defining Filters for a Dynamically Linked Folder in an Advanced UI or Suite/Advanced UI Project.

Include File

Specify the name of the dynamic file that you want to include in your dynamic link. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wild-card character. You can also include a path that is relative to refer to the source folder. For example, to refer to a ReadMe.txt file in a subfolder called MyDirectory, where MyDirectory is a subfolder of the folder that contains the package, you could use the following filter:


For more information, including background on how InstallShield determines which files and folders to include in and exclude from the release, see Defining Filters for a Dynamically Linked Folder in an Advanced UI or Suite/Advanced UI Project.

Exclude File

Specify the name of the dynamic file that you want to exclude from your dynamic link. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wild-card character. You can also include a path that is relative to refer to the source folder. For example, to refer to a ReadMe.txt file in a subfolder called MyDirectory, where MyDirectory is a subfolder of the folder that contains the package, you could use the following filter:


For more information, including background on how InstallShield determines which files and folders to include in and exclude from the release, see Defining Filters for a Dynamically Linked Folder in an Advanced UI or Suite/Advanced UI Project.

Include Folder

Specify the name of the dynamic folder whose files you want to include in your dynamic link. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wild-card character. You can also include a path that is relative to refer to the source folder. For example, to refer to a MyLibrary, where MyLibrary is a subfolder of the folder that contains the package, you could use the following filter:


For more information, including background on how InstallShield determines which files and folders to include in and exclude from the release, see Defining Filters for a Dynamically Linked Folder in an Advanced UI or Suite/Advanced UI Project.

Exclude Folder

Specify the name of the dynamic folder whose files you want to exclude in your dynamic link. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wild-card character. You can also include a path that is relative to refer to the source folder. For example, to refer to a MyLibrary folder, where MyLibrary is a subfolder of the folder that contains the package, you could use the following filter:


For more information, including background on how InstallShield determines which files and folders to include in and exclude from the release, see Defining Filters for a Dynamically Linked Folder in an Advanced UI or Suite/Advanced UI Project.

See Also