Referring to Feature States and Other Feature Data in the UI of an Advanced UI or Suite/Advanced UI Project

InstallShield 2015

Project: This information applies to the following project types:

Advanced UI
Suite/Advanced UI

Edition: The Advanced UI project type is available in the Professional edition of InstallShield. The Suite/Advanced UI project type is available in the Premier edition of InstallShield. For information about the differences between these two project types, see Advanced UI Projects vs. Suite/Advanced UI Projects.

At run time during an Advanced UI or Suite/Advanced installation, you may need to trigger specific UI behavior that depends on feature-related information. Following are examples of how you may want to use this information:

If a particular feature is not selected for installation, you can skip a special corresponding wizard page.
If a specific feature is already installed, you can disable a check box on one of the wizard pages.
You can create an extension condition DLL to define a custom condition for a feature-related check that you want the installation to perform at run time.
You can configure the installation to display a custom feature tree wizard page that shows how much space on the target system each feature requires.

Following are various feature-related pseudo properties that you can check at run time during an Advanced UI or Suite/Advanced UI installation. In each case, the name portion should be replaced with the name of the feature.

Feature-Related Pseudo Properties for the UI of an Advanced UI or Suite/Advanced UI Installation

Pseudo Property





This indicates the upcoming action for the specified feature. Available values are:

install—This state indicates that the feature is set to be installed. This state is valid only when the feature is not already installed.
remove—This state indicates that the feature is set to be removed. This state is valid only when the feature is already installed.
null (empty string)—An empty string state requests no action. It is always valid.



This indicates the current state of the specified feature. Available values are:

0—The feature is currently absent from the target system.
1—The feature is partially available on the target system; that is, only some of the packages in this feature are present.
2—Only some of the feature’s child features are present on the target system.
3—The feature is currently present on the target system.



This indicates the name that is displayed for the specified feature on the appropriate wizard page at run time.



This indicates the description of the specified feature that is displayed on a wizard page at run time.



This indicates how much space the specified feature requires on the target system.

You can set the read-write pseudo property FEATURE[name].actionState through an extension condition, for example, or through the Action setting for a control in the wizard interface.

You can read any of those pseudo properties through an extension condition or through in binding conditions for the Visible or Enabled settings for a control in the wizard interface.

See Also