InstallShield 2016 » InstallScript Language Reference

If you call LaunchApplication without LAAW_OPTION_USE_SHELLEXECUTE or you call LaunchAppAndWait or LaunchApp, these functions internally call the Windows API function CreateProcess. The LAAW_PARAMETERS structured variable specifies certain arguments for CreateProcess, and whether to display a text window while the launched application is running. For information on CreateProcess, consult the Windows API documentation.

The LAAW_PARAMETERS system variable is initialized automatically during setup initialization by a call to LaunchAppAndWaitInitStartupInfo.





Indicates that WaitForApplication ended the wait because the callback function returned LAAW_CALLBACK_RETURN_END_WAIT.


Sets the corresponding argument to CreateProcess.


Sets the corresponding argument to CreateProcess.


Sets the corresponding argument to CreateProcess. This member is set to the szDirectory parameter of LaunchApplication or LaunchAndAppAndWait.

Note that setting the value of lpCurrentDirectory manually has no effect on LaunchApplication or LaunchAndAppAndWait.


Sets the corresponding argument to CreateProcess.


Sets the corresponding argument to CreateProcess.


Sets the corresponding argument to CreateProcess.


This member defines the callback interval in milliseconds. It is set to 1000 (1 second) by default when you call the LaunchApplicationInit or LaunchAppAndWaitInitStartupInfo functions.


If the application cannot be launched, the nLaunchResult member contains the result of calling GetLastError after the CreateProcess call. If LaunchApp, LaunchAppAndWait, or LaunchApplication is successful and the LAAW_OPTION_WAIT option was specified, the nLaunchResult member contains the return code of the launched application.


Indicates the timeout value used internally by LaunchApplication or LaunchAndAppAndWait when WaitForApplication is called. The default value is INFINITE. You can customize this value to set a wait timeout for LaunchApplication or LaunchAndAppAndWait.


Indicates the interval for how often the installation checks whether the timeout interval has elapsed while waiting for an application through WaitForApplication (or through LaunchApplication or LaunchAndAppAndWait, which may call WaitForApplication internally). This value is not used if nTimeOut is set to INFINITE and LAAW_USE_CALLBACK is not specified. If LAAW_USE_CALLBACK is specified, the timeout/callback check interval is the lower of the two values for LAAW_PARAMETERS.nTimeOutCheckInterval and LAAW_PARAMETERS.nCallbackInterval. The default value is 1000.


Indicates the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the application to complete its initialization through the Windows API WaitForInputIdle. The default value for this structure member is 2000. You can set it to 0 to indicate that the installation should not wait for the application to initialize before beginning the wait for the application to complete.

Since LaunchApplication and LaunchAndAppAndWait wait for the application to initialize only if LAAW_OPTION_WAIT is specified, this value is only used if LAAW_OPTION_WAIT is specified.


Indicates additional information about the last wait that occurred as a result of calling WaitForApplication. For more information, see WaitForApplication.


Contains the resulting command line used as the lpCommandLine parameter in the internal call to CreateProcess. This member is populated when LaunchApplication or LaunchAndAppAndWait is called, so setting its value directly before or after this function is called has no effect. Also, this member is set to null ("") when you call the LaunchApplicationInit or LaunchAppAndWaitInitStartupInfo functions.


Project • The szStatusText member is not available for use in InstallScript actions that are called in Suite/Advanced UI installations.

If this member is set to anything other than a null string ("") ,the installation displays its contents in a text window (by calling SdShowMsg) while the launched application is running. Note that szStatusText cannot contain more than 4 kilobytes of data.

See Also