ISWiPathVariables Collection

InstallShield 2016 » Automation Interface

Project • This information applies to the following project types:

Basic MSI
InstallScript MSI
InstallScript Object
Merge Module

The ISWiPathVariables collection contains all of the path variables that are associated with the current project. You can add a path variable with the AddPathVariable method and delete a path variable with the DeletePathVariable method.

The following VBScript code retrieves a list of every path variable in the project and displays the path variables in a message box:

Option Explicit

  Dim pProject

  Set pProject = CreateObject ("ISWiAutoAutomation Interface Version.ISWiProject")


  pProject.OpenProject "C:\MySetups\ISWiPathVariables.ism", True


  Dim sPathVars

  Dim pPathVar


  For Each pPathVar In pProject.ISWiPathVariables

      sPathVars = sPathVars & pPathVar.Name & ": " & pPathVar.Value & vbNewLine



  WScript.Echo sPathVars


The following line illustrates how to access a particular path variable:

Set pPathVar = pProject.ISWiPathVariables.Item("MyPathVar")

Important • Predefined path variables cannot be modified or deleted. If you attempt to do so, exception error 3142 occurs. For more information, see Predefined Path Variables.


ISWiPathVariables Collection Members





Read-Only Property

Use this property to return the total number of path variables in the ISWiPathVariables collection.


Read-Only Property

Provide the index number or name of the path variable to retrieve the ISWiPathVariable object.

Applies To
