Types of Condition Checks in Advanced UI and Suite/Advanced UI Projects

InstallShield 2016

Project • This information applies to the following project types:

Advanced UI
Suite/Advanced UI

Edition • The Advanced UI project type is available in the Professional edition of InstallShield. The Suite/Advanced UI project type is available in the Premier edition of InstallShield. For information about the differences between these two project types, see Advanced UI Projects vs. Suite/Advanced UI Projects.

When you are building a conditional statement for an exit, detection, eligibility, feature, or wizard interface condition in an Advanced UI or Suite/Advanced UI project, or for an action condition in a Suite/Advanced UI project, you can select from a number of different types of checks that you want to be evaluated on target systems.

Each type of condition has one or more subsettings that are associated with it. The following types of conditions are available:

Types of Condition Checks

Type of Condition Check



Check target systems for one or more characteristics such as the operating system version, the architecture, and other platform details on target systems.

For descriptions of each of the settings that are displayed for this type of condition check, see Platform Condition Settings.

File Exists

Check target systems for the presence of a particular file.

For the description of the setting that is displayed for this type of condition check, see File Exists Condition Settings.

File Comparison

Check target systems for specific information—date, version number, or content—for a particular file.

For descriptions of each of the settings that are displayed for this type of condition check, see File Comparison Condition Settings.

Registry Exists

Check target systems for the presence of a particular registry key, and optionally a specific value name.

For descriptions of each of the settings that are displayed for this type of condition check, see Registry Exists Condition Settings.

Registry Comparison

Check target systems for specific information—DWORD, QWORD, string, multistring, file version, or product version—for a particular registry entry. If you do not specify a value name, the default value for the key that you specify is used for the comparison.

For descriptions of each of the settings that are displayed for this type of condition check, see Registry Comparison Condition Settings.

Property Comparison

Check the value of a particular built-in Advanced UI or Suite/Advanced UI property, or a property that is defined in the Property Manager view.

For descriptions of each of the settings that are displayed for this type of condition check, see Property Comparison Condition Settings.

MSI Package

Check target systems for the presence of a product that was installed by a particular .msi package.

For descriptions of each of the settings that are displayed for this type of condition check, see MSI Package Condition Settings.

MSI Upgrade

Check target systems for the presence of a version of a product that you want to update, or for the presence of future versions of a product that you do not want to downgrade. In either case, the product whose presence is being checked is installed by an .msi package.

For descriptions of each of the settings that are displayed for this type of condition check, see MSI Upgrade Condition Settings.

Eligible Package

Check whether a different package or a feature in the Advanced UI or Suite/Advanced UI installation is eligible for installation on a target system. For example, if a patch package is eligible for installation only if the base package is eligible for installation, you can create an Eligible Package condition to tie the patch’s eligibility to the base package’s eligibility. In this scenario, you would select the patch package in the Packages view, create the condition, and specify the package GUID of the base package in that condition.

For a description of the setting that is displayed for this type of condition check, see Eligible Package Condition Setting.

InstallScript Package

Check target systems for the presence of a product that was installed by a particular InstallScript package.

For descriptions of each of the settings that are displayed for this type of condition check, see InstallScript Package Condition Settings.


Match one or more locale-related settings on target systems.

For descriptions of each of the settings that are displayed for this type of condition check, see Locale Condition Settings.

Suite Installed

Check whether a particular version of an Advanced UI or Suite/Advanced UI installation is already installed on a target system.

For descriptions of each of the settings that are displayed for this type of condition check, see Suite Installed Condition Settings.

UWP App Package

Check target systems for the presence of a particular UWP app.

For descriptions of each of the settings that are displayed for this type of condition check, see UWP App Package Condition Settings.

UWP App Package Eligible

Check target systems for the run-time dependencies of the UWP app package to prevent any attempts to install a UWP app package onto a version of Windows or Windows Server that does not support it.

This condition is available only for the eligibility condition of a UWP app package. If it is used in any other package type, it will not function correctly.

Tip • Sideloading must be enabled for a UWP app package to be successfully sideloaded. Sideloading works on WIndows 10 or newer. For more information about sideloading, refer to the Enable your device for deployment MSDN article.

UWP Type Present

Check target systems for the presence of UWP functionality. For example, to create a conditional statement that checks for the presence of the Desktop Bridge, check for the type Windows.ApplicationModel.FullTrustProcessLauncher. This can be used to conditionally block installation, or to choose between installing .msi and UWP app package (.appx).

For descriptions of each of the setting that is displayed for this type of condition check, see UWP Type Present Condition Settings.

Package Operation

Project • This type of condition is available in Suite/Advanced UI projects.

Check the target state of a particular package in the Suite/Advanced UI installation. This type of condition is available only for actions that are associated with an event in the Events view or Packages view.

For descriptions of each of the settings that are displayed for this type of condition check, see Package Operation Condition Settings.

Feature Operation

Project • This type of condition is available in Suite/Advanced UI projects.

Check the target state of a particular feature in the Suite/Advanced UI installation. This type of condition is available only for actions that are associated with an event in the Events view or Packages view.

For descriptions of each of the settings that are displayed for this type of condition check, see Feature Operation Condition Settings.

Extension Condition DLL

Use a C/C++ DLL that you created to implement your own custom condition that checks target systems for factors that the other types of condition checks do not evaluate.

For descriptions of each of the settings that are displayed for this type of condition check, see Extension Condition Settings.


Check the mode in which the Advanced UI or Suite/Advanced UI installation is running.

This type of condition check is available for various settings of wizard interface elements in the Wizard Interface view.

For descriptions of each of the settings that are displayed for this type of condition check, see Mode Condition Settings.

See Also