Adding Redistributables to the Build Machine for the Standalone Build

InstallShield 2018

Most of the redistributables—including merge modules, objects, and InstallShield prerequisites—are not installed automatically with the Standalone Build because they would require significantly more hard disk space. This allows you to install on the build machine only the redistributables that are required by your InstallShield projects. The only one that is included is the .NET Framework 2.0 redistributable.

Tip • The Standalone Build uses the same basic directory structure that InstallShield uses for its program files. Therefore, if you need to copy a redistributable or some other file from a machine that has InstallShield to a machine that has the Standalone Build, use the same relative path. For example, if a file is in the InstallShield Program Files Folder\Modules\i386 directory on the machine that has InstallShield, copy that file to the Standalone Build Program Files Folder\Modules\i386 directory on the machine that has the Standalone Build.

To add a .NET redistributable to your build machine:

1. Locate the required redistributables on the machine that has the full version of InstallShield. The file is typically located in InstallShield Program Files Folder\Redist or a subfolder of the Redist folder. If an InstallShield redistributable is not available on your machine, you must download it first. For more information, see Redistributable Downloader Wizard.
2. Copy the redistributable from the machine that has InstallShield to the Standalone Build Program Files Folder on the build machine.

To add a redistributable for Basic MSI or InstallScript MSI projects to your build machine:

1. Locate the required redistributables on the machine that has the full version of InstallShield. If an InstallShield redistributable is not available on your machine, you must download it first. For more information, see Downloading Redistributables to Your Computer.
The two default locations for InstallShield merge modules are:

InstallShield Program Files Folder\Modules\i386

Common Files\Merge Modules

The default location for the InstallShield objects is:

InstallShield Program Files Folder\Objects

All InstallShield prerequisites are stored in the following location:

InstallShield Program Files Folder\SetupPrerequisites

If you built your own merge modules in InstallShield, you would find them in any of the locations that are listed on the Merge Modules tab of the Options dialog box.
2. Copy the redistributable from the machine that has InstallShield to appropriate location on the build machine.
Add merge modules to the following folder:

Standalone Build Program Files Folder\Modules\i386

Add objects to the following folder:

Standalone Build Program Files Folder\Objects

Add InstallShield prerequisites to the following folder:

Standalone Build Program Files Folder\SetupPrerequisites

To add an InstallShield prerequisite for InstallScript projects to your build machine:

1. Locate the required InstallShield prerequisite on the machine that has the full version of InstallShield. If an InstallShield redistributable is not available on your machine, you must download it first. For more information, see Downloading Redistributables to Your Computer.

All InstallShield prerequisites are stored in the following location:

InstallShield Program Files Folder\SetupPrerequisites

2. Copy the InstallShield prerequisite from the machine that has InstallShield to appropriate location on the build machine:

Standalone Build Program Files Folder\SetupPrerequisites

To add to your build machine one of the other InstallShield redistributables for InstallScript projects:

1. Download the installation for the redistributable. The installations are available through FlexNet Connect. For more information, see Obtaining Updates for InstallShield.
2. Run the redistributable installation on the build machine. When the InstallShield Wizard displays the Choose Destination Location dialog, browse to the following location:

Standalone Build Program Files Folder\ObjectsPro

If the ObjectsPro folder has not been created yet, you will need to add that folder.

The InstallScript object installations install and register the required object files.

To add to your build machine one of your own InstallScript redistributables or a third-party redistributable:

1. Locate the redistributable.
2. Place it in the following location on the build machine:

Standalone Build Program Files Folder\ObjectsPro

If the ObjectsPro folder has not been created yet, you will need to add that folder.

See Also