InstallShield 2019 » InstallScript Language Reference

The PROGRAMFILES64 system variable contains the fully qualified name of the folder defined by Windows to store 64-bit applications on a 64-bit system. (Note that 32-bit applications are stored under the PROGRAMFILES folder.) In English Windows, that folder is named Program Files, and it is located off the root of the drive on which Windows is installed. (In other language versions of Windows, the folder name is localized appropriately by default.) The program files folders are the recommended default locations for application folders.

Tip • If your company distributes more than one application, you may prefer to create a company folder inside the program files folder and then create application folders within the company folder.

This system variable is read-only; if you attempt to assign a value to it, a compiler error results. The value of this system variable is shared among object scripts and between object scripts and the main setup script.

Project • During setup initialization in InstallScript installations, the value of the PROGRAMFILES64 variable is obtained by calling the Windows API function SHGetSpecialFolderPath with the CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES parameter from a 64-bit executable file.

In Basic MSI and InstallScript MSI installations, the value of the PROGRAMFILES64 variable is initialized based on the Windows Installer property ProgramFiles64Folder. Note that deferred, commit, and rollback custom actions do not have access to this property. Therefore, the corresponding PROGRAMFILES64 variable is empty in deferred, commit, and rollback custom actions. To learn more, see Accessing or Setting Windows Installer Properties Through Deferred, Commit, and Rollback Custom Actions.