
InstallShield 2020 » InstallScript Language Reference

The StrRemoveLastSlash function removes the trailing backslash from a path specification. Because its purpose is to produce a valid path, StrRemoveLastSlash does not remove the backslash from a root directory specification, such as “A:\” or “C:\”.


StrRemoveLastSlash ( svPath );


StrRemoveLastSlash Parameters




Specifies a string whose value must be a path specification; returns the path without the trailing backslash. Note that if the path does not include a trailing backslash, it is returned unchanged.

Return Values

StrRemoveLastSlash Return Values

Return Value



Indicates that the function successfully removed the trailing backslash or that the path does not contain a trailing backslash.

< 0

Indicates that the function was unable to remove the trailing backslash.

Additional Information

StrRemoveLastSlash provides a convenient way to remove the trailing backslash from a path returned by AskPath or ParsePath. Because its purpose is to produce a valid path, StrRemoveLastSlash does not remove the backslash from a root directory specification, such as “A:\” or “C:\”; doing so would turn a valid path into a drive specification. If you need to remove the trailing backslash from a path in all cases, use the following script segment as a guide.

    AskPath("", "", svPath);


    if (StrLength(svPath) = 3)

        && (svPath[1] = ":")

        && (svPath[2] = "\\") then


        svTempString = svPath;





See Also