MSI Debugger

InstallShield 2020

Project:The MSI Debugger view is available in the following project types:

Basic MSI
MSI Database

When you debug a release in the MSI Debugger, you can view and set Windows Installer properties as you step through the package’s User Interface and Execute sequences.

Follow the steps below to begin going through a setup in the MSI Debugger:

1. Build your release. However, there is one important restriction when you intend on debugging the release: You cannot debug a package that is compressed inside Setup.exe.
2. Go to the MSI Debugger view. The debugger lists every standard action and custom action in the User Interface and Execute sequences as well as every dialog in your project. You can also click the Debug button on the toolbar or choose Debug from the Build menu to launch the MSI Debugger.
3. Set a breakpoint on an action or dialog.
4. Start the debugger.

The MSI Debugger runs through each action and dialog until it reaches your breakpoint, at which point it halts execution. Now, you can view and set properties in the Watch window and the Variable window. Finally, you can step through each of the remaining actions, or you can stop the debugger.

Note:The MSI Debugger supports deferred custom actions that delay the execution of a system change to the time when the installation script is executed.

Do not confuse the MSI Debugger with the InstallScript Debugger, since they have completely separate purposes. You cannot debug a setup package with the InstallScript Debugger, and you cannot debug an InstallScript custom action with the MSI Debugger.

Tip:When InstallShield steps into one of the following types of custom actions (You can step into a custom action by pressing the F11 key.), it will give you the option to launch a registered debugger installed on a client machine. A dialog will appear allowing you to choose one of two options. Select Yes to launch a registered debugger. Select No to step over to the next action. The supported custom actions are as follows:

Standard DLL

See Also