InstallShield Prerequisite Editor Reference

InstallShield 2020

Project:The following project types include support for InstallShield prerequisites:

Basic MSI
InstallScript MSI

All of these project types include support for the setup prerequisite type of InstallShield prerequisite. Basic MSI projects include support for the feature prerequisite type.

InstallShield also includes support for including InstallShield prerequisites as packages in Advanced UI and Suite/Advanced UI projects. For more information, see Including InstallShield Prerequisites (.prq) in an Advanced UI or Suite/Advanced UI Project.

An InstallShield prerequisite is an installation for a product or technology framework that is required by your product. Some examples of InstallShield prerequisites that are included with InstallShield are Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and SQL Server Express Edition. You can add any of the existing InstallShield prerequisites to your installation projects and configure many of their settings. You can also create your own InstallShield prerequisites, and add them to your projects.

To open the InstallShield Prerequisite Editor:

On the Tools menu, click Prerequisite Editor.

To open an existing prerequisite in the InstallShield Prerequisite Editor, do one of the following:

1. On the File menu, click Open. The Open dialog box opens.
2. Select the file by browsing and click Open.

The following tabs are associated with the InstallShield Prerequisite Editor:

Windows Package Manager
Files to Include
Application to Run

See Also