Respond Options Panel

InstallShield 2020 » Custom Action Wizard

The Respond Options panel lets you specify how your custom action will respond to the rest of the installation.

Respond Options Panel Options



In-Script Execution

Specify when you would like your action to execute.

Immediate execution—Select this option to have the action execute when it is encountered in the sequence.
Immediate execution (Terminal Server Aware)—Select this option to have the action execute when it is encountered in the sequence. The custom action impersonates the user during per-machine installations on terminal server machines.
Deferred execution—Select this option to have your action wait until the script begins to run.
Rollback execution—Select this option to set your action to execute only during rollback. If you changed something to the system during the execute sequence using a custom action, you need to undo that change with a rollback custom action.
Rollback execution (Terminal Server Aware)—Select this option to set your action to execute only during rollback. If you changed something to the system during the execute sequence using a custom action, you need to undo that change with a rollback custom action. The custom action impersonates the user during per-machine installations on terminal server machines.
Commit execution—Select this option to have your action delayed until the installation has successfully completed the installation script.
Commit execution (Terminal Server Aware)—Select this option to have your action delayed until the installation has successfully completed the installation script. The custom action impersonates the user during per-machine installations on terminal server machines.
Deferred execution in system context—Select this option if your action needs elevated system privileges for performing tasks such as editing the registry. The action is deferred until the script begins to run. When the action does run, it runs with elevated system privileges. For more information on this property, see In-Script Execution.

Note:If you are calling a function in a standard dynamic-link library that is stored in the Binary table, you cannot use deferred or rollback execution for the action’s In-Script Execution property.

Execution Scheduling

Specify how many times you want the action to run. For example, if an action is listed in both the user interface and execute sequences, it can be set to run both times, or it can run only once. Available options are:

Always execute—The action runs every time it is encountered. Therefore, it could run in the user interface sequence and again in the execute sequence.
Execute only once—The action runs only once—even if it exists in both the user interface and Execute sequences. The action is skipped in the execute sequence if the user interface sequence has run.

Note:The Execute only once option does not work for InstallScript MSI projects. If your custom action exists in both the user interface and execute sequences, it is executed twice. This is because—in an InstallScript MSI project—the InstallScript engine executes the user interface sequence and Windows Installer executes the execute sequence.

Execute only once per process—The user interface sequence and the execute sequence run in separate processes. Select this option to force your custom action to launch at least once in the user interface sequence and once in the execute sequence.
Always execute at least once on the client—This action executes at least one time on the client.

If you selected anything other than Immediate execution in the In-Script Execution setting, the Execution Scheduling setting is not available and is set to Always execute.

See Also