ISWiFeatures Collection

InstallShield 2022 » Automation Interface

Project:This information applies to the following project types:

Basic MSI
InstallScript MSI

ISWiFeatures is a collection that contains every feature (as an ISWiFeature object) in your project.

When ISWiFeatures is a member of ISWiProject, it contains all of the top-level features in the project. To retrieve a collection of subfeatures, access the Features property of the ISWiFeature object. The result is an ISWiFeatures collection that contains the immediate subfeatures of the current top-level feature. Repeat for further levels of subfeatures.


Members of ISWiFeatures Collection





Read-Only Property

Use this property to return the total number of elements in the ISWiFeatures collection.


Read-Only Property

Provide the index number or name of the feature to retrieve the ISWiFeature object. For example, the following statements create a copy of the first item in the collection and of the feature named Help_Files:

    Set pFeat1 = m_ISWiProject.ISWiFeatures.Item(1)

    Set pFeat2 = m_ISWiProject.ISWiFeatures.Item("Help_Files")

The name of the feature is case-sensitive—for example, “Help_Files” and “Help_files” are two different features.

Item is the default property for ISWiFeatures, which means that m_ISWiProject.ISWiFeatures.Item("Help_Files") is equivalent to m_ISWiProject.ISWiFeatures("Help_Files").


The following Visual Basic code builds a string with all of the features and components in your project:

    Dim pFeature As ISWiFeature

    Dim pComponent As ISWiComponent


    For Each pFeature In m_ISWiProject.ISWiFeatures

        ' Add feature to string

        strProject = strProject & "Feature: " & pFeature.Name & vbNewLine

        strProject = strProject & "Components: "

        For Each pComponent In pFeature.ISWiComponents

            ' Add feature's components to string

            strProject = strProject & pComponent.Name & " "


        strProject = strProject & vbNewLine


Applies To
