ISWiSISProperties Collection

InstallShield 2022 » Automation Interface

Project:This information applies to the following project types:

Basic MSI
InstallScript MSI
Merge Module

This collection contains all of the values for the Summary Information Stream settings in the current project. By accessing an element in this collection, you can set all of the Summary Information Stream settings in the General Information view.

The following Visual Basic code reads every Summary Information Stream setting in your project and displays each setting and its value.

    Dim pProject As ISWiProject


    Set pProject = New ISWiProject

    pProject.OpenProject "C:\MySetups\SampleApp.ism", True


    Dim sSISProps As String

    sSISProps = "This package's Summary Information Stream has the following " & _

                pProject.ISWiSISProperties.Count & " properties:"


    Dim pSISProp As ISWiSISProperty

    For Each pSISProp In pProject.ISWiSISProperties

        sSISProps = sSISProps & vbNewLine & vbTab & _

                    pSISProp.Name & ": " & pSISProp.Value



    MsgBox sSISProps




ISWiSISProperties Collection Members





Read-Only Property

Use this property to return the total number of elements in the ISWiSISProperties collection. Since the Summary Information Stream contains seven items at present, Count always has a value of 7.


Read-Only Property

Provide the index number or name of the property in order to retrieve the ISWiSISProperty object.

The name of the property is case-sensitive—“TemplateSummary” and “Templatesummary” are two different properties.

Item is the default property for ISWiSISProperties, which means that pISWiProject.ISWiSISProperties.Item("Subject") is equivalent to pISWiProject.ISWiSISProperties("Subject").

Applies To
