SDK Object Initialization

Before beginning any operation, you must first create an instance of the RUISDK object. The constructor is defined below. RUISDK creates an instance of the SDK. The constructor does not configure the SDK (RUISDK.CreateConfig) nor start the SDK (RUISDK.StartSDK).

A typical client will create only a single instance of the SDK. Creating more than one SDK instance is allowed and is used to support clients that are plug-ins or other scenarios whereby multiple independent clients may co-exist in the same executable. Multiple SDK instances perform independently of one another with the potential exception of shared or unshared configuration file (RUISDK.CreateConfig).


RUISDK (Boolean registerDefaultGraphicalReachOutHandler, String sdkDLLPath, String sdkDLLName = “ruiSDK_<version>”)¶


RUISDK has the following parameters:

RUISDK Parameters



registerDefaultGraphicalReachOutHandler (bool)

If set to true, automatically registers the default graphical ReachOut. If false, no default ReachOut is registered.

sdkDLLPath (String)

Path to the core SDK DLL.

sdkDLLName (String)

Optional parameter that defines the stem name for the core SDK DLL. Default is ruiSDK_<version> where <version> is the version number in form N.N.N where N is a digit (for example: ruiSDK_5.0.1). Should not be modified unless there is a need to do this.


RUISDK throws a RUISDKCreationException If there is a problem constructing the SDK instance; this is the only SDK method that throws an exception.