Numeric Filters

The following properties are stored as numeric values:

cpuCores *

displayCount *

ram *

resolutionWidth *

resolutionHeight *

lifetimeRuntimeMinutes *

lifetimeSessionCount *

screenPpi *

javaVmRam *

Note:Properties marked with an asterisk (*) are based on the current (latest known) values.

The type field in the above filters needs to be number or numberRange.

If number is specified, then a value field must also be present. The value field should contain a number, which may contain a decimal point if required.
If numberRange is specified, then the value field should NOT be used. Instead, the properties min and max are to be used. These refer to the minimum and maximum number to be included in the report. If only one limit needs to be set, the other property is to be left out. Therefore, if you want to include installations with up to 2 display devices, you would not specify a min value, but instead specify only a max and set it as 2.

Example Filter Using a Number Value

In this example, the number of display devices needs to be exactly 3:




              "type": "number",

              "value": 3



Example Filter Using a Number Range Value

In this example, the RAM needs to be between 1025MB and 4096MB (both included):




              "type": "numberRange",

              "min": 1025,

              "max": 4096

