About Usage Report Types

Usage reports render usage data for a selected customer account. There are four usage report types:

Usage Report Types

Usage Report Types


Usage Gauges

Usage data rendered as gauges for each meter.

Usage Tables

Usage data represented in a tabular format.

Usage Timelines

Usage data for a single meter graphed by date (according to usage model settings).

Usage Comparisons

Usage data for multiple meters graphed by date (according to usage model settings).

Use the report type buttons to select the type of graph in which to display the usage data.

Buttons for selecting the usage report type

Usage Gauges

This type of graph shows usage data as a graphical gauge representing the percentage of usage compared to the overall entitled amount. The green region of the gauge indicates usage of none to 75 percent of the available count; the yellow region indicates 75 percent to 100 percent of the available count; and the red region indicates over 100 percent (overage) of the entitled amount.

Usage gauge

Details of the usage information are displayed beneath the gauge.

Usage Tables

Usage information can also be displayed in a textual table.

Usage table

Usage Timelines and Comparisons

Usage information can also be displayed in an interactive Flash-based timeline. Commands in the upper left corner enable zooming in to different time periods, and you can click and drag the graph left and right to control the dates for which data are being displayed.

Interactive usage timeline

A similar interactive option is the Compare Meters graph, which simultaneously displays multiple features’ usage information over the same period of time.

See Also