Viewing Usage Summary

Note:One-time activation client devices are not managed by the local license server, and therefore are not shown on the FlexNet Operations user interface.

FlexNet Operations End-User Portal can show usage summary information for the devices owned by a selected customer account. The Usage Summary list shows counts of the units ordered, units provisioned, and units used for each activation ID, and includes the entitlement and product associated with that activation ID. In addition, the Usage Summary page shows the currently selected Sold To account and the Usage Summary Time—the time when usage data was last summarized.

On the Usage Summary page, you view usage summary information, filter the usage summary list, view line item details, and view usage summary details.

To view usage summary information:

1. On the Manage Devices page, click Usage > Usage Summary. The End-User Portal opens the Usage Summary page.
2. On the Usage Summary page, set the Sold To value:
a. Click the Search Account button to open the Select Account page in a pop up window. This button looks like a small magnifying glass at the end of the Sold To field.
b. Select the customer account for which you want to see usage summary information.
c. Click OK. This button closes the Select Account window and returns you to the Usage Summary page. Note that the Sold To value is now set to the account you selected.
3. On the Usage Summary page, click Next. FlexNet Operations End-User Portal shows the Usage Summary information for all devices that were sold to the selected customer account.

Filtering the Usage Summary List

By default, the Usage Summary list shows all the device-related activation IDs for the selected customer account. You can filter the Usage Summary list using the Show Line Items control:

Click Where Units Used > Units Provisioned to show only activation IDs where the number of units used exceeds the number of units provisioned.
Click Where Units Used > Units Ordered to show only activation IDs where the number of units used exceeds the number of units ordered.
Click All to show all activation IDs.

Units Ordered represents the activation’s line item count. Units Provisioned represents the number of those line items activated. Units Used indicates the number of those line items for which features have been checked out. (Technically, Units Used is determined by calculating the minimum line item count necessary to account for the total number of features—associated with the license for that line item—currently checked out.)

Note:When the number of units used exceeds the number of units provisioned, the Units Used count is rendered in red.

Viewing Line Item Details on the Usage Summary Page

You can view line item details for any activation that appears in the Usage Summary list. To view line item details, click the activation ID for the activation in the Usage Summary list. This link opens the Line Item Details page in a popup window.

Viewing Usage Summary Details

You can view usage summary details for any activation in the Usage Summary list. To view the usage summary details, click the Units Used value for that activation. Usage summary details shows a view that includes the License Server and the Last Sync Time for the current activation. (Click Back to return to the Usage Summary list.)

See Also