FeatureFileEnum Example

InstallShield 2014 ยป InstallScript Language Reference



* InstallShield Example Script


* Demonstrates the FeatureFileEnum function.


* Notes: To run this example script, create a project with the

*        following features (f), subfeatures (sf), and

*        components (c):


*        (f) Program_Files

*            (c) Program_DLLS

*            (c) Program_EXEs

*        (f) Example_Files

*            (sf) Graphics

*                (c) Graphic_Examples


*         Be sure to assign files to the components so there

*         is something to enumerate.




#define FEAT1       "Program Files"

#define FEAT2       "Example Files"

#define SUBFEAT1    "Graphics"

#define EXECCOMP    "Program Executable Files"

#define GRAPHCOMP   "Graphic Examples"

#define SDSHOWTITLE "FeatureFileEnum Results"


#define SDSHOWMSG1  FEAT1 + " enumerated files:"

#define SDSHOWMSG2  FEAT2 + " enumerated files:"


prototype HandleFeatureError (NUMBER);


NUMBER nResult;

LIST   listList1, listList2;




   // Create two lists to store file names.

   listList1 = ListCreate (STRINGLIST);

   listList2 = ListCreate (STRINGLIST);


   // Build a list of the program files.

   nResult = FeatureFileEnum (MEDIA, FEAT1, EXECCOMP + "\\*.*",

                                 listList1, INCLUDE_SUBDIR);


   HandleFeatureError (nResult);


   // Build a list of the graphic files.

   nResult = FeatureFileEnum (MEDIA, FEAT2 + "\\" + SUBFEAT1,

                                 GRAPHCOMP+"\\*.*", listList2, INCLUDE_SUBDIR);


   HandleFeatureError (nResult);


   // Display the program files.

   SdShowInfoList (SDSHOWTITLE, SDSHOWMSG1, listList1);


   // Display the graphic files.

   SdShowInfoList (SDSHOWTITLE, SDSHOWMSG2, listList2);


   // Release the lists from memory.


   ListDestroy (listList1);

   ListDestroy (listList2);






* Function:  HandleFeatureError


*  Purpose:  This function evaluates the value returned by a feature

*            function and if the value is less than zero, displays the error

*            number and aborts the setup.




function HandleFeatureError( nResult )


   NUMBER  nvError;

   STRING  svFeatureSource, svFeature, svComponent, svFile;



   if (nResult < 0) then


      FeatureError (svFeatureSource, svFeature, svComponent, svFile, nvError);


      SprintfBox (INFORMATION, "Data Transfer Error Information",

                "FeatureError returned the following data transfer error.\n" +

                "Setup will now abort.\n\n" +

             "Media Name: %s\nFeature: %s\nComponent: %s\n" +


                "File: %s\nError Number: %ld",

                svFeatureSource, svFeature, svComponent, svFile, nvError);



