FeatureFilterOS Example

InstallShield 2014 ยป InstallScript Language Reference



* InstallShield Example Script


* Demonstrates the FeatureFilterOS function.


* To run this script, create a blank setup project.

* Specify Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0

* (Intel) for operating systems in the Components view.

* Use release flags to specify which platforms to include

* in the build. Specify Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows

* NT 4.0 (Intel). When you run the Release Wizard, enter the

* release flags in the Filtering Settings panel.




// You can convert the following define statements into string

// entries to localize your setup.

#define  COMPANY_NAME         "MultiLangOS Inc."

#define  PRODUCT_NAME         "MultiLangOS"

#define  PRODUCT_VERSION      "1.0"

#define  PROGRAMFOLDER        "MultiLangOS"

#define  PRODUCT_KEY          "Mlangos.exe"

#define  DEINST_KEY           "MultiLangOS"

#define  ASKDESTTITLE         "Destination Location"

#define  ASKDESTMSG           "Select a destination location."

#define  COMPERRTITLE         "Data Transfer Error Information"

#define  COMPERRMSG1          "FeatureError returned the following error."

#define  COMPERRMSG2          "Setup will now abort."

#define  COMPERRMSG3          "Media Name:"

#define  COMPERRMSG4          "Feature:"

#define  COMPERRMSG5          "Component:"

#define  COMPERRMSG6          "File:"

#define  COMPERRMSG7          "Error Number:"


    prototype HandleFeatureError (NUMBER);


// Include Ifx.h for built-in InstallScript function prototypes.

#include "Ifx.h"


export prototype ExFn_FeatureFilterOS(HWND);


function ExFn_FeatureFilterOS(hMSI)

    STRING  svResult, svDir, svLogFile;

    NUMBER  nvResult, nvDisk;



    // Disable the Back button in setup dialogs.

    Disable (BACKBUTTON);


    // Set up uninstallation and get destination location.







    DeinstallStart (INSTALLDIR, svLogFile, DEINST_KEY, 0);




    // Get the operating system and call FeatureFilterOS

    // to filter the operating systems that are not present.

    GetSystemInfo (OS, nvResult, svResult);


    switch (nvResult)

        case IS_WINDOWSNT:

            GetSystemInfo (WINMAJOR, nvResult, svResult);

            if (nvResult = 4) then

                // It's NT 4.0, so filter Windows 95 and Windows 98.

                FeatureFilterOS (MEDIA, 0, ISOSL_WIN95, TRUE);

                FeatureFilterOS (MEDIA, 0, ISOSL_WIN98, TRUE);


                MessageBox ("Target system OS not supported.", SEVERE);



        case IS_WINDOWS9X:

            // It's Windows 95 or 98, so filter Windows NT 4.0.

            FeatureFilterOS (MEDIA, 0, ISOSL_NT40, TRUE);


            // Determine if it's Windows 95 or Windows 98.

            GetSystemInfo (WINMINOR, nvResult, svResult);


            if (nvResult < 10) then

                // It's Windows 95, so filter Windows 98 too.

                FeatureFilterOS (MEDIA, 0, ISOSL_WIN98, TRUE);


                // It's Windows 98, so filter Windows 95 too.

                FeatureFilterOS (MEDIA, 0, ISOSL_WIN95, TRUE);



            MessageBox ("Target system OS not supported.", SEVERE);




    // Transfer files to target system.

    nvResult = FeatureMoveData (MEDIA, nvDisk, 0);


    if (nvResult < 0) then

        HandleFeatureError (nvResult);







* Function:  HandleFeatureError


*  Purpose:  This function evaluates the value returned by a feature

*            function and if the value is less than zero, displays the error

*            number and aborts the setup.



function HandleFeatureError( nResult )

  NUMBER  nvError;

  STRING  svFeatureSource, svFeature, svComponent, svFile;


  FeatureError (svFeatureSource, svFeature, svComponent, svFile, nvError);


            FEATERRMSG1 + "\n" + FEATERRMSG2 + "\n\n" +

            FEATERRMSG3 + " %s\n" + FEATERRMSG4 + " %s\n" +

            FEATERRMSG5 + " %s\n" + FEATERRMSG6 + " %s\n" +

            FEATERRMSG7 + " %ld",

            svFeatureSource, svFeature, svComponent, svFile, nvError);

