FeatureSetupTypeEnum Example

InstallShield 2014 ยป InstallScript Language Reference



* InstallShield Example Script


* Demonstrates the FeatureSetupTypeEnum function,


* This script enumerates the setup types in the media.


* Note:  To run this example script, create a project (or

*        insert into a project) with several setup types

*        defined. The value of DEFTYPE must be the name

*        of one of your setup types.




#define SDSHOWTITLE "Setup Type Enumeration"

#define SDSHOWMSG   MEDIA + " media's enumerated setup types are:"

#define SETUPTITLE  "Setup Type Selection"

#define SETUPMSG    "Select a setup type."

#define DEFTYPE     "Typical"


// Include Ifx.h for built-in InstallScript function prototypes.

#include "Ifx.h"


export prototype ExFn_FeatureSetupTypeEnum(HWND);


function ExFn_FeatureSetupTypeEnum(hMSI)

    LIST listID;

    STRING svSetupType;



    // Disable the Back button in setup dialogs.

    Disable (BACKBUTTON);


    // Create a list to store setup types.

    listID = ListCreate ( STRINGLIST );


    // Get the setup type names from the media into the list.

    if (FeatureSetupTypeEnum( MEDIA, listID) < 0 ) then

        MessageBox ("FeatureSetupTypeEnum failed.", WARNING);



    // Display the setup types.

    SdShowInfoList (SDSHOWTITLE, SDSHOWMSG, listID);


    // Now show setup types in a selection dialog.

    svSetupType = DEFTYPE;

    SdSetupTypeEx (SETUPTITLE, SETUPMSG, "", svSetupType, 0);


    // Release the list from memory.

    ListDestroy (listID);

