
InstallShield 2014 » InstallScript Language Reference

Project: This information applies to the following project types:

InstallScript MSI

The SdDisplayTopics function creates a dialog that displays information based on topic data. The dialog provides a heading and then topics of titles and descriptions. You can use this dialog to display Help topics, examples, and so on.


SdDisplayTopics ( szTitle, szMsg, listTopics, listDetails, nReserved );


SdDisplayTopics Parameters




Specifies the title of the dialog. To display the default title (“Custom Installation Help”), pass a null string (“”) in this parameter.


Specifies the message to display in the dialog. To display the default instructions for this dialog, pass a null string (“”) in this parameter.


Specifies the string list that contains the topics to display.


Specifies the string list that contains a description of each topic.


Pass 0 (zero) in this parameter. No other value is allowed.

Return Values

SdDisplayTopics Return Values

Return Value


NEXT (1)

Indicates that the Next button was clicked.

BACK (12)

Indicates that the Back button was clicked.

Additional Information

To view an example of this or other dialogs for your installation, use the Dialog Sampler. In InstallShield, on the Tools menu, point to InstallScript, then click Standard Dialog Sampler or Skinned Dialog Sampler.
In an InstallScript MSI installation, when the end user clicks Next the USERNAME and COMPANYNAME properties are set using the information contained in the svName and svCompany fields, respectively.
You can modify the font style of description text to distinguish it from title (topic) text. The message and topic titles are always displayed in bold type.
The message static field must have an ID of 801. The topic identifiers must have numbers in the range of 802 - 849. Description fields have an ID range of 851 - 899.
The spacing of the static description fields is fixed by the size of the dialog. You cannot dynamically change the spacing in the listDetails list. If the number of topics and descriptions is less than the number of static fields, nothing appears in the white space, but the size of the dialog is not changed.

See Also