SdFeatureDialogAdv Example

InstallShield 2014 » InstallScript Language Reference

Project: This information applies to the following project types:

InstallScript MSI



* InstallShield Example Script


* Demonstrates the SdFeatureDialogAdv function.


* This example script displays a dialog that displays a list

* of features in the setup that the end user can install and the

* amount of space that each feature occupies.


*  Comments:  To run this example script, create a project (or

*             insert into a project) with several features

*             and/or subfeatures with components containing

*             files.  




#include "Ifx.h"


function OnBegin()

    STRING szTitle, szMsg, svDir;



    svDir   = TARGETDIR;

    szTitle = "Select Features";

    szMsg   = "Select the features you want to install on your computer.";


    // Display all top-level features available.  

    SdFeatureDialogAdv (szTitle, szMsg, svDir, "");

