
InstallShield 2014 » InstallScript Language Reference

Project: This information applies to InstallScript MSI projects.

The SdOutOfDiskSpace function displays a dialog warning the end user that the target system does not have enough available space for the application installation to take place. It also displays a list view of volumes, required space, available space, and the difference between available space and required space.

In an InstallScript MSI installation, this function is triggered when an INSTALLMESSAGE_OUTOFDISKSPACE message is detected. This message comes from the MSI engine.

The SdDiskSpace2 function supersedes the SdOutOfDiskSpace function.


SdOutOfDiskSpace ( szTitle, szMsg );


SdOutOfDiskSpace Parameters




Specifies the title of the dialog. To display the default title (“Out of Disk Space”), pass a null string (“”) in this parameter.


Specifies the message to display in the dialog. This text is considered a static control. To display the default instructions for this dialog, pass a null string (“”) in this parameter.

Return Values

SdOutOfDiskSpace Return Values

Return Value


NEXT (1)

Indicates that the end user clicked the OK button.

Additional Information

To view an example of this or other dialogs for your installation, use the Dialog Sampler. In InstallShield, on the Tools menu, point to InstallScript, then click Standard Dialog Sampler or Skinned Dialog Sampler.

See Also