
InstallShield 2014 » InstallScript Language Reference

Project: This information applies to the following project types:

InstallScript MSI

The SdShowDlgEdit2 function creates a general dialog that displays a message and two single-line edit fields. You can specify a title for the dialog.


SdShowDlgEdit2 ( szTitle, szMsg, szField1, szField2, svEdit1, svEdit2 );


SdShowDlgEdit2 Parameters




Specifies the title of the dialog. If you pass a null string (“”) in this parameter, the default title (“Edit Data”) is displayed.


Specifies the message to display in the dialog. To include in this message the product name set by a previous call to SdProductName, insert the place holder %P anywhere in the message string. When the message is displayed, %P is replaced by the product name.


Specifies a field name to be displayed to the left of the first edit field. The default field name is “Field 1:” ; to display the default name, pass a null string (“”) in this parameter. The maximum number of characters that can be displayed is approximately 10. The actual maximum depends on the combined width of each character in the field name. If the field name exceeds the available space, it will be truncated on the right when the dialog is displayed.


Specifies a field name for the second edit field. “Field 2:” is the default.


Specifies an initial value for the first edit field; returns the value of the first edit field when the dialog is closed.


Specifies an initial value for the second edit field; returns the value of the second edit field when the dialog is closed.

Return Values

SdShowDlgEdit2 Return Values

Return Value


NEXT (1)

Indicates that the Next button was clicked.

BACK (12)

Indicates that the Back button was clicked.

Additional Information

To view an example of this or other dialogs for your installation, use the Dialog Sampler. In InstallShield, on the Tools menu, point to InstallScript, then click Standard Dialog Sampler or Skinned Dialog Sampler.

See Also