
InstallShield 2014 » InstallScript Language Reference

The SetDialogTitle function changes the titles that appear in the title bars of some common built-in dialogs. Specify the dialog using the parameter nDialogId. If you do not use SetDialogTitle, the default title appears.

When you set the title for a particular dialog, InstallShield uses that title for every instance of that type of dialog until you use SetDialogTitle to change the title again. You must call SetDialogTitle separately for each type of dialog whose title you wish to change.

Note: InstallShield creates message boxes using standard Windows message box functions. Windows determines the OK and Cancel button text for these message boxes. InstallShield cannot control the text used in the buttons inside Windows message boxes.


SetDialogTitle ( nDialogId, szTitle );


SetDialogTitle Parameters




Identifies the built-in dialog whose title is to be changed change. Pass one of the following predefined constants in this parameter:

DLG_ASK_OPTIONS—Changes the title of the AskOptions dialog.
DLG_ASK_PATH—Changes the title of the AskPath dialog.
DLG_ASK_TEXT—Changes the title of the AskText dialog.
DLG_ASK_YESNO—Changes the title of the AskYesNo dialog.
DLG_ENTER_DISK—Changes the title of the EnterDisk dialog.
DLG_MSG_INFORMATION—Changes the title of the Information-style MessageBox.
DLG_MSG_SEVERE—Changes the title of the Severe-style MessageBox.
DLG_STATUS—Changes the title of the dialog-style progress indicator. You must re-enable the dialog-style progress indicator by calling Enable(STATUSDLG) after calling SetDialogTitle with the DLG_STATUS option in order for the title change to take effect.
DLG_MSG_WARNING—Changes the title of the Warning-style MessageBox.
DLG_USER_CAPTION—Changes the MessageBox caption when you use the user-defined message box styles.


Specifies the new title.

Return Values

SetDialogTitle Return Values

Return Value



Indicates that the function successfully changed the title of the dialog.

< 0

Indicates that the function was unable to change the title of the dialog.

See Also