Creating ProgIDs

InstallShield 2014

Project: This information does not apply to InstallScript or InstallScript Object projects.

The ProgIDs item in the File Types explorer contains all of the programmatic identifiers—ProgIDs, also known as application identifiers or tag names when they support file types—that you want to associate with file extensions. A file type’s ProgID is an arbitrary string, but it should be unique on the target system. One ProgID naming convention is to append the word file to your extension without a dot—the .ext extension might use the ProgID extfile. Another convention is to name a file-type ProgID after the application used to open the file type, as in SampleApp.Document.

For example, an .xyz file extension could point to a xyzfile ProgID, and all of the .xyz file-type information would be registered under xyzfile.

To create a ProgID:

1. Open the Setup Design view (for installation projects only) or the Components view.
2. In the explorer, expand the component.
3. Click the Advanced Settings item to expand it.
4. Click File Types. The File Types explorer opens.
5. In the File Types explorer, click the extension. The extension properties are displayed in the right pane.
6. In the ProgID property, type the name of your ProgID. InstallShield adds your ProgID under ProgIDs in the File Types explorer.
7. In the File Types explorer, click the new ProgID and then set its properties.

See Also