String-Based Filters

The following properties are stored as strings:

machineId *

clientId *






formFactor *


osWordLength *

cpuType *

dotNetVersion *

javaVersion *

javaVendor *

javaRuntime *

javaGraphics *

javaVmVersion *

javaVmName *

vm *

C01 .. C20 (Custom properties)

licenseKey *

Note:licenseKey requires a special user permission to be used as a filter.

Note:Properties marked with an asterisk (*) are based on the current (latest known) values.

The type field in the above filters needs to be string, stringArray or regex. A value field is always required. The contents of this field should be according to the specified type.

If string is specified, then the value field must contain a single string that needs to be matched precisely with the stored data.
If stringArray is specified, then the value field must contain an array of strings where one of which needs to match precisely with the stored data.
If specifying a regex, the value field should contain a string which is treated as a regular expression and the stored data will be matched against it using regular expression rules.

Example Filter Using a String Value

In this example, the product build value needs to be exactly “”:




              "type": "string",

              "value": ""



Example Filter Using a String Array

In this example, the product build value needs to be either “”, “3017.enx-57718”, or “4180.vrx-81059”. Note that since the type is declared as stringArray, the value field needs to contain an array. Consider all elements in the array to have an OR logical expression between them.:




            "type": "stringArray",

            "value": ["", "3017.enx-57718", "4180.vrx-81059"]



Example Filter Using a Regular Expression

In this example, the product build value needs to start with “30” and end with “18” whilst having 10 characters in between:




             "type": "regex",

             "value": "^30.{10}18$"

